The anti-union rhetoric has begun.

So let's talk about it.

woman in black long sleeve shirt holding black ceramic mug
woman in black long sleeve shirt holding black ceramic mug

MGB is already using the same tired arguments anti-union campaigns have been using for decades. They have hired an expensive anti-union campaign, spending money that could be used for patient resources and workplace improvements instead towards fighting us from unionizing.

Here's why management is saying unions are bad:


The union is a mysterious third party. You don’t want some third party to negotiate for you.


Physician unions are run by physicians.
We ARE the union.

After unionizing, all physicians are elected to a negotiations team that oversees bargaining and all physicians vote to approve a new contract.


The goal of the negotiating process is to ensure that every physician has a fair contract. That doesn't mean we'll all have the same contract.

The negotiations will start with some universal conditions - things like vacation time, sick time, paid parental leave, protection from unfair termination. After that, each group will separately negotiate their terms, including compensation. The union contract raises the bar, but does not lower the ceiling.

This model has been well demonstrated in other unions, including professional sports. Not every player has the same contract or compensation, but they are all protected from unfair practices.

The MGB housestaff union wrote a whole article on this “haves and have nots” fallacy.


Union contracts are one size fits all. They will average out compensations and benefits.


We will be able to negotiate on any and all of the terms of our contracts.

This means that instead of losing flexibility, we can protect it. Want to protect last minute switches? Want to protect your group's ability to work out your own holiday schedule? We can build that language into a contract. We will have members of each group at the negotiating table to define and protect your specific needs. If it's important to your group, we can negotiate it.


Having a union contract means I'll lose all flexibility. There won't be any way to make schedule changes or other adjustments without going through the union.


Physician unions are there to negotiate compensation. They can't help us with other hospital issues.


Our physician union will help us to negotiate many things beyond compensation and benefits.

We can set the terms. Ever feel like your team is overworked and doesn't have enough resources? Frustrated that you can't get OR time, or proper administrative support? Let's address those issues in our contract. We can negotiate for more physician coverage hours or for more patient care teams. We can negotiate for better administrative support, or for better OR schedules and staffing. Ask yourself how many times you've tried to make changes and have many times your requests have gone ignored. WE know best what we need to take better care of patients. WE need a voice, and with a union we'll have one.


We may have to strike, because that's what unions do when they don't get what they want.


None of us want to strike, and we never HAVE to strike.

We all took the same oath, and we all agree that patient care comes first. There are many other legal and protected bargaining tactics that we can use, without affecting or interrupting patient care. Union strikes are a very rare event, and definitely aren't mandatory. They would require a supermajority voice of all physicians in the union. Most importantly, our goal is to work WITH administration and not against them. Bargaining in good faith is a legal requirement in union negotiations. We fully intend to negotiate only in good faith, and are hopeful that our administration will do the same.

Forced to go to an anti-union meeting? Play along!


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