We Did It!

Through your hard work and support, the physicians at Salem Hospital voted overwhelmingly in favor of forming a union, and have formed the first attending physician union in the state.

Our union was officially recognized by the NLRB after the conclusion of a secret ballot election with

72 YES votes and 16 NO votes

Salem Hospital Physicians Union

We are a group of physicians who are committed to working together to ensure that our members have a unified and impactful role in the decisions that affect the safety and quality of care of our patients.

Physician-led organization improving and protecting the physician-patient relationship

The Salem Hospital Physicians Union is comprised of the attending physicians of Salem Hospital, representing multiple inpatient specialities, dedicated to advocating for our patients, our profession, and for each other.

yellow car toy on white surface
yellow car toy on white surface

We're tired of simply apologizing for a broken system.

Contact Us

Reach out to us for any inquiries